Lights in the world

There's a bulb in the base and these thin clear filaments all rest in the base and then carry a pinpoint of light to their very tip. If a filament falls out, it looks like a piece of fishing line but when connected it has this small but brilliantly bright light.
If you take a group of the filaments in your hand together they're so bright in their concentration, you can use it like a flashlight.
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
"While I am in the world, I am the light of the world" John 9:5
Jesus, while He was on earth, was the light of the world but He's back in heaven so, what now?
"You are the light of the world ... let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5: 14,16
You, and I - His lights in this world.
That's quite a responsibility and some pretty big shoes to fill... but the wonderful thing is that He doesn't call us to be lights on our own, no more than these slender fiber optic strands have to produce a light.
We, as they, merely transfer the light as we're connected to it.
He is still the Light - the bulb at the base with enough wattage to light up the darkness. We are these transparent strands, connected to Him.
As we live and move in a darkened world we bring the light with us wherever we go. Singularly we are scattered pinpoints of light and collectively we shine as a bright beacon for Christ.
This doesn't take special training or ability, nor a course in apologetics or evanglism training; it is just being connected to Christ and letting the power of His light shine.
We all have a story. Share. Shine. Be aware that you are His light in your world.
It is using the fiber optic lamp as a physical example of the spiritual truth that the role of Christians is to let the light of Christ shine through them to a world darkened by sin.