When I was in the dark...

I’m out here wandering because of an app on my phone called Goggle Sky Map – it claimed that you could point it at the sky and it would show you the stars and constellation you were seeing and guess what? It really did!
Suddenly I knew that really bright star to the right was actually Jupiter and sure enough that familiar W shape was indeed Cassiopeia. As I turned, moved, and ended up down the street, the map adjusted with me; although I could not see where I going in the darkness the GPS satellites via the phone were still tracking me. So not only was it known where I was, it presented the stars location in relation to my position.
Just because I was in the dark didn’t mean I was lost.
I may have been stumbling around blindly but my location was known.
Oddly enough I kept finding the same constellation above me - it’s called Cygnus, and it looks like the photo on this post.
Symbolically, for one stumbling around in darkness, it is also known as the Northern Cross...