You have been good

Yesterday I looked through a bunch of pictures that I'd packed up from my mom's house and what an assortment they were! I relived the birth of all the grandchildren, birthdays, weddings and all kinds of people and events; but it also made me melancholy seeing the past in photos gathered by a woman whose own life is over. So many things whose time has already come and gone...

But even more strongly than that, I had another impression as I saw my life’s history in those photos; God has been faithful.

Through the thirty years laid out before me, through every experience and incident, joy or problem; God had been there and has been consistently caring for me.

I have lived the promise of Isaiah 46:4 - "I will be your God throughout your lifetime--until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you."

Scott Krippayne has said the same thing in his song You Have Been Good.

You Have Been Good
If I never get to see another rainbow
Or share another laugh with a friend
If I never stand barefoot by the ocean
Or get to kiss my child good night again

If I never have another prayer that's answered
Or have another blessing come my way
If this is all I ever know of heaven's kindness
Father I would still have to say,

You have been good
You have good and I am in wonder how could it be
You have good, you've been so good
In so many ways you've been good to me

You have shown me mercy upon mercy
Grace upon grace, time after time
But I know all too well what I'm deserving
Yet you are still so patient and kind

You have been good
You have been good
And I am in wonder how could it be
You have been good
You've been so good
In so many ways you've been good to me

If suddenly it all were ended
And your blessings disappeared
Looking back over a lifetime
The evidence is clear
You have been good

You have been good
And I am in wonder how could it be
You have been good
You've been so good
In so many ways you've been good to me


Unknown said…
That must have been hard seeing all those things--bittersweet.

When look back over our lives and see the things that God has done for us, we can say He's been good. Even through the hard times.

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