
Showing posts from October, 2010

The Dumbest Kid in the Class

Have you ever felt like the dumbestā€¦. No, wait, Iā€™m not even going to ask that question because I hope your answer would be ā€œNo. Of course not. I have no idea what youā€™re talking about!ā€ (And just in case that wouldnā€™t be your response, I wonā€™t even ask). I hate that feeling. Like not only is everyone around you ā€œgetting itā€ but that it really isnā€™t that difficult a concept and thereā€™s no reason why you shouldnā€™t be able to comprehend it. For me it is a depressing, isolating, frustrating and discouraging experience, feeling stupid is not fun. Now it is one thing when it happens in a school situation ā€“quite another in a work environment ā€“ and most serious of all when it occurs in ā€œreal life.ā€ School might mean a bad grade, work could be a loss in advancement or employment but what about when weā€™re missing it in life? I find that I get into a situation, have a problem, a decision to make or a conflict and suddenly Iā€™m the kid with the blank stare on her face. What am I supposed to...


For the past few days we've had 20 to 60 mph winds and they are brutal; I keep expecting tree branches to land on the roof... I had also expected that these vicious winds would strip the trees of all their colorful leaves... but as you can see from the video, they have not! (if video does not appear click here ) These are autumn leaves - they are already on their way out - they've got just a few more weeks until they fall to earth and die - their summer season is over yet they are still hanging on and holding firm for all they are worth. Their glory days are over and these winds are fierce yet these leaves are tenacious! How tenacious are we when the winds blow? It is easier to be dedicated and have that bulldog determination when we're younger or the situation is new but how about when the winds are familiar as we have already had to hold on through many previous storms? When this is not your firs...

God bless "Don Jose"!

My daughter is in the opera Carmen at the Lyric Opera in Chicago.  This is a big deal as it's not a small town hall kind of presentation. The fact that the main floor tickets are $194 should tell you something in itself! At last night's performance Yonghoon Lee, who is in the starring role of "Don Jose", brought in a cookie cake to the children's chorus and on it he'd had written "Jesus loves you very much". Yonghoon Lee is South Korean and Katie says seems to speak broken English.  He is young and a rapidly rising star in the opera word with a smooth powerful voice. Everything about him could say "diva" but this star chose to share his faith with a group of children. His ingenuity speaks to his passion for Christ. This was something he never "had" to do yet went out of his way to do as a witness. Think about this (as I've done nothing but think about it since she came home with this news). He's leaving Chicago soon a...

1-800-4UR- HELP

It's happened. I knew it would although I was hoping it wouldn't  for at least a few more years; but it's already happened twice... I had to phone a friend. For help. With my son's homework... I knew eventually he'd be in a subject I couldn't help him with and I expected it to be Calculus or Honors Biology; surely I could be the expert on all things through elementary school and Jr. High... Nope. And it even gets worse than that; last night when I was talking to the friend having it explained to me so I could explain it to him I couldn't understand it and had to turn the phone over to my son to hear the explanation and who understood it immediately! (and I'm still not clear on the whole subject...) There comes these times when we don't have the answer; as much as we want to and as desirous as we are to help, we can't. But we know One who can. He has promised to give wisdom to those who ask (James 1:5). We know that He desires for us to wa...

Showers of Blessings

There are experiences that cannot be described adequately by words or captured on film and walking through a boulevard of trees as the leaves rain down on you and crunch underfoot is one of those inexplicable and heart-awing moments. You are surrounded by beauty, so stunning you are silenced as you watch the glorious color that is over you and also swirling around and showering down. And then these leaves remain on the pathway, audible reminders of their presence completing this whole multi-sensory immersion into the grandeur of Fall. It is the season of gratitude; of open eyes to the majesty of God's faithful care over us and the blessings He showers down upon us. It is the perfect time to realize that as the leaves falling from the trees are many, so also have been our blessings. Typically my family will make lists around Thanksgiving of what they are grateful for but this year it is time to visualize the blessings as they're showered on us - not in neat r...

Open my Eyes?

I love my eye doctor! He is the most enjoyable and engaging medical professional I have ever been forced to spend time with (seeing that two of the four of us are quite bereft in the vision department, it has been a decent amount of time).  He is knowledgeable, funny, and caring, and  he takes his time with the exam and in answering all my questions.  I love it as a patient in the chair, not so much as one in the waiting room but at least I know my time with his undivided attention is coming. Last night he dilated my pupils and, although I've worn contacts the majority of my life, I'm still a bit squeamish about things being put into my eyes but it was necessary. So I laid my head back and opened my eyes wide for the drops. After a few minutes, when my pupils were wide open and fixed in place so they couldn't constrict; he took an extremely bright light and, getting right up to my eye, looked through my open pupils to the back to che...

To-Do Lists of MANY things

Iā€™ve given up trying to remember... Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m old but Iā€™ve given up trying to remember things. And, since it seems my memory is only as long as my pencil, I make lists ā€“ lots of lists ā€“for everything because writing it down is my only hope of remembering what it is that Iā€™m supposed to get done! I wish I could say this was a new thing but if itā€™s a sign of old age Iā€™ve been old for decades! There is always so much to do isnā€™t there? I feel that I cross one thing off and then add two more. Iā€™ve discovered this morning that Iā€™m not the only oneā€¦ ā€œWhile they were traveling, He entered a village, and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who also sat at the Lordā€™s feet and was listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks and she came up and asked, ā€˜Lord, donā€™t You care that my sister has left me to serve alone? So tell her to give me a hand.ā€™ The Lord answered her, ā€˜Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset ab...

My God - from the moment I was born...

"You brought me safely from my mother's womb and led me to trust you...You have been my God from the moment I was born." Psalms 22:9-10 Every birth is a miracle although sometimes there is more awareness of that miracle than other times - difficult conceptions, tenuous pregnancies, and deliveries that don't go as planned lead one to affirm, "You, God, brought me safely from my mother's womb!" My own two children can praise God in that way as they each wanted to make their appearance into the world far earlier than expected (overachievers from the very beginning I guess!) and I claim this verse as my own as well. The year was 1966 and a girl was pregnant. I don't know her name and  never remember seeing her face. The pregnancy was unwanted and,  although I do not know the circumstances, this baby's future was uncertain. Was she young? Unmarried? Were her parents supportive and helpful or distant? Was she sent away to give birth as girls ...

"Old" Faith

I had a necklace and I'd lost it; so after months of not finding it I decided it was time to replace it. Bringing it home I noticed how shiny it seemed and sparkly. Of course the afternoon I came home with the replacement necklace I found the original one! With them side by side now you could really tell the difference between the two. One was brand new and unsullied yet the other was a deeper sheen. So compared to the old would I keep the new instead? All bright, fresh, and shiny? Not a chance. I had begun wearing this cross necklace as a reminder to myself of who it is I belong to and to whom is entrusted with my care. The subsequent years found me fingering it through hospital rooms and doctorā€™s offices, entering a new decade, and days in which life just didnā€™t work the way it was ā€œsupposedā€ to. It had come to represents a faith that is old and experienced; and a God that has been tried and proven Himself faithful time and time again. I remember the shininess of first l...